- The Cluster is an inter-disciplinary group of 13 faculty members spanning five colleges or institutions: College of Engineering and Computer Science, School of Politics, Security, and International Affairs , School of Global Health Management and Informatics, and the Institute of Simulation and Training.
- Broad spectrum of research, The Cluster works on various areas including Trustworthy Cloud, Blockchain, Secure Machine Learning, Organizational and Behavioral Aspects, Privacy, Malware, Digital Forensics, Software Security, and IoT Security
- There are close to 40 PhD students in the Cluster, and several Postdoctoral Researchers
- The Cluster focuses on excellence, publishing in top venues including: CCS/Usenix Security, ISCA/HPCA/MICRO, ASPLOS, PLDI/OOPSLA, FSE/ICSE, NDSS, INFOCOM, CHI/CSCW, ICDCS, etc.
- The Cluster research is well funded by various government agencies (NSF, ONR, AFRL, DARPA, NSA, Army PEO STRI, Cyber Florida), FFRDC (Sandia National Lab), Industry (Intel, Samsung, NVIDIA, Toshiba, HP, Medi-IoT), and non-profit organizations (William T. Grant Foundation, Mozilla Foundation). In 2018-2019, the Cluster worked on projects that led to nearly $7 million external funding.
- Well published. There are 300+ publications and 50+ patents by Cluster faculty members, receiving 27,000+ citations, with a total h-index of 176 (as of Dec 2018).
- Honors/awards. The Cluster faculty members have received various prestigious honors/awards, including: IEEE Fellow (Solihin), IEEE Senior Member (isen, Zou), ISCA Hall of Fame (Solihin), HPCA Hall of Fame (Solihin), NSF CAREER Award (Solihin, Wisniewski, Gazzillo), Best Paper Awards (CHI (3x) – Wisniewski, MICRO runner up – Solihin), Distinguished TPC Member (INFOCOM – Mohaisen), IEEE MICRO Top Picks (Solihin), SIGPLAN Research Highlight (Gazzillo), UCF Reach for the Stars (Wisniewski), ACM Future of Computing Academy (Wisniewski).
- Real world impact. The Cluster faculty members have invented technologies that can be found in current products. For example, Solihin’s research in cache partitioning (2003-2007) has influenced Intel Cache Allocation Technology (CAT), Solihin’s research in memory encryption and integrity verification (2006-2008), including counter rollback, Bonsai Merkle Tree, have influenced the design of Intel SGX Memory Encryption Engine, Solihin’s research in DRAM Cache architecture (2009-2010) has influenced Intel Haswell external DRAM cache design.